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Balonlar ve doga

  • To DoğaHan Holiday Farm, from domestic and abroad can be reached by road or air.
  • The guests arriving by private vehicle, can reach to DoğaHan, following by Avanos-Sulusaray way along the southern coast of the Kızılırmak River (4 km of gravel), after reaching the town of Avanos, Nevşehir.
  • Guests arriving by bus up to Avanos, if they want, in return for payment is delivered to the private shuttle or taxi holding DoğaHan.
  • Guests who prefer the airline, can use Kayseri Airport or the Cappadocia Airport.
  • Guests arriving by bus from Kayseri to Avanos, if they want, in return for payment is delivered to DoğaHan from Avanos Bus Station with a special service or taxi.
  • In addition, optional and cost money, arrival and departure transfers are provided from Cappadocia Airport to DoğaHan.
  • During their stay, guests can rent a bicycle or motorized bicycle or electric bike daily from DoğaHan. And they can provide access to the surrounding attractions. Thus, they can have the opportunity for 'explore Cappadocia on two wheels'.
  • Google Earth Coordinates for GPS: First; 38˚43'12.87 "North (North) and 34˚49'04.56" East (East), orientation West here; 38˚43'44.56 "North (North) and 34˚46'26.00" East (East), Arrival at the main gate of DoğaHan Holiday Farm.