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Çeç Hill and Tumulus

Cec 01


Çeç Hill and Tumulus:


There is a hill in the center of the Göreme-Avanos-Nevşehir triangle. This hill is known as the Çeç Hill. This peak has a height of over 30 meters tumulus. The east-west line of the Çeç Hill length of 700 meters, the width is about 100 meters north-south line. Tumulus was perched on the Çeç Hill-shaped table. 


The peak altitude of 1112 meters and the height of the level of the Kızılırmak River is 185 meters. The debris of the tumulus is near the western edge of the hill. Again, the tumulus, south of the Kızılırmak River, which is about 1500 meters distance as the crow flies. The distance between the Çeç Hill and DoğaHan is approximately 1000 meters.


Tumulus, has probably occurred with the stacking of crushed material from the building blocks on the hill. The top of the quarry, which confirms this thesis. 

Although it is the most famous and flamboyant tumulus of Cappadocia, there is less information about the Chechen tumulus. One reason for this, the tumulus is yet not opened. It is unknown who made ​​tumulus and when.


Çeç Tumulus, are similar to those in the kingdom of Commagene. Although Lydia and Phrygia civilization tumulus famous Chechen Tumulus not considered theirs. 

French researchers investigated the tumulus, Claudine Coindoz and Michael Coindoz has said that it might belong to one of the Cappadocian king. However, according to some researchers, Tumulus grave rather than a 'cult ' may be. Çeç, as a royal tomb, as well as being a sacred place is a plausible idea.


Çeç Tumulus mystery can be solved with scientific and archaeological studies. However, this magnificent structure that occurred up to now, only 'illicit excavations ', respectively. Excavation marks around the tumulus and peaks, indicate that the target of about 20 different illicit excavations. However, a very large and high that the heap, made ​​shows that reaching the target of these illegal excavations. Thus Chechens are not yet opened a tumulus. Tumulus is high and masonry work, prevented from reaching its target of illegal excavations made​​. Thus Çeç is not yet opened a tumulus.


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