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  • To be a guest to DoğaHan, can be booked by contacting telephone or via e-mail. It is required to inform us about accommodation dates, guests' names and a contact number. We will return you as soon as your messages reach to our e-mail address, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
  • The guests who come as the tourists; pay their share of the costs of a mandatory to sustain for farm life.
  • This share will be determined as daily amount by the conditions of visiting period, and can be learned while booking.
  • The prices included bed and breakfast.
  • The daily contribution per person for the 2023 for those staying in the rooms is 600 TL per person.

  • The daily contribution fee for accommodation in fixed tents in DoğaHan is 400 TL per person.

  • For guests staying in DoğaHan by setting up their own tent, the daily contribution fee is 350 TL per person.

  • For guests staying in DoğaHan with their caravan, the daily contribution fee is 400 TL per person.

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